Building A Library in a remote village of Ladakh - Kargyam Village, aka the Nomads' Land

In the remote and nomadic village of Kargyam in Ladakh, where the mountains whisper tales of resilience and the winds carry the dreams of nomads, a journey began — a journey to build a library, a sanctuary of knowledge and hope.

This blog unveils the story of the ACHI Sustainability Library, a project born from the collective spirit of friends, family, and educators from different corners of the world, coming together to illuminate the minds of the children of the Nomads' Land.

Conception of a Dream: From Idea to ACHI's First Project

The seeds of the ACHI Sustainability Library were sown in the conversations among friends and family from diverse backgrounds. The unanimous enthusiasm and support fueled the confidence to embark on ACHI's inaugural project. The vision was clear — to create a haven of learning amidst the high-altitude beauty of Ladakh, acknowledging the unique cultural fabric of the nomadic lifestyle.

Curation of Knowledge: Collaborative Efforts Across Borders

Understanding the distinctive culture of remote villages, especially in Ladakh, required thoughtful curation of the library's content. Here are ACHI’s friends and family, including teachers and professionals in Singapore and Delhi. Their role extended beyond borders, with the task of curating books that resonated with the nomadic way of life. The selection ranged from animals, birds, and insects found in Ladakh to essential subjects like science, mathematics, and English, with many books in Hindi.

Space and Coordination: Transforming Dreams into Reality

Finding a suitable space in the remote village was a task in itself. With the assistance of Ven Namgyal Gyalpo, president of the Ladakh Medical Aid Society, a space was secured. However, it needed renovation — a process involving flooring, walls, windows, and carpentry to ensure safety. The coordination required to get these tasks done in a distant village tested the project team's commitment and determination.

Fundraising and Support: Family and Friends Unite

To accomplish such a significant project, ACHI leaned on the kindness of family and close friends. Fundraising evolved into a joint endeavour, involving teachers from Singapore and India selecting books appropriate for children aged 5 to 16 years old. Friends and family in Singapore contributed used books, while others graciously translated them into Hindi.

Despite facing challenges, our good friends like Himanshu and Vibha, who dedicated time during their relocation to Luxembourg assisted with translations, providing crucial support and propelling the project forward.

Challenges of Logistics: Navigating Remote Terrain:

The logistical challenges intensified as the project expanded to include not only books but also sports equipment, educational tools, and games for the children. Navigating these items through the remote mountains proved to be a test. Even established couriers like DHL found the village too remote. Yet, through determination and collaborative efforts, the items found their way to Kargyam via a complex route through Delhi and Leh.

A Library Blooms: Amidst Blessing Snowflakes:

The library neared completion just as His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup visited Ladakh, adding a serendipitous touch to the project. As he graced the opening, the village was blessed with snow — a symbol of good fortune in Ladakhi culture. The completion of the ACHI Sustainability Library marked not just a physical structure but a testament to the interdependence of communities and the compassion that fuels shared dreams.

Learning from the Journey: Interdependence, Compassion, and Fulfillment:

Through the challenges and triumphs, the ACHI Sustainability Library project became a living lesson in interdependence, compassion, and a sense of fulfilment. It was a journey where the nomads' way of life intertwined with the global community's efforts to create a space for learning and growth.

Continuing the Mission: ACHI's Pledge for More Libraries:

As the first library opened its doors, ACHI Sustainability Projects looked beyond — with a commitment to create more opportunities for learning and experience in remote villages. The journey of building libraries in Ladakh has just begun, and ACHI intends to continue this meaningful mission with the unwavering support of its global community.

Let us care for these generations of guardians living and protecting the environment at the highest point of the earth.
— ACHI Founders

The completion of the ACHI Sustainability Library in Kargyam Village is not just about establishing a physical space for learning; it's about equipping the young minds of the future with the transformative power of knowledge. As the doors of the library swing open, it heralds a new chapter for these children, empowering them with the ability to think beyond the challenges that life in the highlands presents.

This project transcends boundaries of religions and nationalities, embodying the universal truth that access to education is a foundational step towards a brighter, more efficient future. These young minds, nurtured by the books curated with care, will have the tools to create innovative and efficient ways of living in the harsh environment that surrounds them. The ACHI Sustainability Library becomes a beacon, not just for literacy, but for the cultivation of resilient, creative thinkers who can overcome adversities and contribute to the sustainable development of their community.

In the Nomads' Land of Ladakh, this library stands as a testament to the shared commitment of humanity to uplift the next generation. May the turning of pages in this humble library become the catalyst for the young minds of Kargyam to envision, create, and lead their community towards a future defined by knowledge, adaptability, and sustainable living.

  • Built in 2022

    India, Ladakh, Leh District, Satho Kargyam Village

  • Children in Ladakh, immersed in educational materials, explore the wonders of science, math, and the environment. This knowledge empowers them as informed stewards, crucial in a region vulnerable to climate change. The newfound awareness equips them to adapt, innovate, and create a sustainable future, blending traditional wisdom with modern insights. The direct impact is evident in the sheer delight radiating from these children, while the indirect impact extends to sowing seeds for a brighter and more sustainable future for their villages and beyond.

  • Crafting the library in Kargyam village was a collaborative effort guided by local Lama Ven Namgyal Gyalpo. He selected a deserving school, coordinated repairs, and collaborated with skilled carpenters to optimize book capacity. Necessities were curated, transported to the remote village, and organized by Monastery teachers and Drikung Kayu nuns. In Singapore, volunteer teachers recommended books, garnered funds, and managed logistics. The library's inauguration by His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup marked the culmination of collective effort, bringing joy, knowledge, and opportunity to Kargyam's hills and valleys.

  • Special Thanks to our Friends and Family for making this initiative possible:

    • ARC Children Centre

    • Eliza & Family

    • Himanshu Upadhyay & Vibha Singh

    • Ho Kit Yee

    • Jaden, Janelle & Janine Seow

    • Kingsley Sok

    • Ladakh Medical Team

    • Leong Soo Yee

    • Matthew Tay

    • Melissa Tan and Family

    • Pearl Yu

    • Pek Lay Peng

    • Sarah Trinity Ching & Brandon Xander Ching

    • Tan Yue Wei, YWA Studio

    • Tay Wei Ling and Family

    • Teacher Fariha A.A. Talib

    • Teacher Konchok Tsetan Jora

    • Teacher Saraswathi

    • Teacher Sonam Paljor

    • Teacher Tashi Gyaltsen

    • Teacher Thinley Repa

    • Venerable Namgyal

    • Wang Family


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