Warming the Feet of Farmers in Ladakh

In the remote villages of Ladakh, where the majestic mountains paint the landscape, a recent medical mission unfolded to address a peculiar health concern among the hardworking farmers.

Unveiling New Horizons: Our Journey of Discovery

As our team embarked on this journey, we encountered a prevalent issue affecting the locals – persistent leg pain.

Upon closer examination, we discovered that the farmers' legs were constantly immersed in icy cold waters during their agricultural activities. This prolonged exposure led to various chronic health issues, including arthritis and swollen joints. It became evident that a simple yet impactful solution was needed to alleviate their discomfort.

A Simple Solution Unveiled - The Rubber Boots

Our team swiftly devised a plan to provide relief – we decided to distribute rubber boots to the farmers. These boots would act as a barrier, shielding their legs from the harsh conditions and offering protection against the icy waters. The initiative aimed not only to provide immediate relief but also to promote long-term well-being among the farming community.

The medical trip became a beacon of hope for these resilient individuals, offering not just medical assistance but also practical solutions to enhance their daily lives. The gesture of gifting rubber boots transcended the boundaries of healthcare, reflecting our commitment to holistic well-being and sustainable support for communities in need.

Collaborating with Ven Namgyal Gyalpo, the President of Ladakh Medical Aid Society, we initiated a sponsorship program to provide rubber boots to the villagers. Recognizing the immediate need and moved by his love for his hometown, Ven Namgyal Gyalpo facilitated the procurement and distribution of the boots, traversing the challenging terrains to reach the villages.

Interdependence is a magical experience.
— ACHI Founders

Walking in Solidarity: The Delivery of Health and Hope:

The delivery of rubber boots wasn't just about protecting feet from the harsh conditions; it was a symbolic step towards sustainable health. Working closely with Ven Namgyal Gyalpo and his dedicated team, we witnessed the transformative power of a seemingly small act. Villagers, now equipped with proper footwear, were not only shielded from physical ailments but were also empowered to continue their farming practices without enduring unnecessary pain.

Sustainability in Action: Extending the Reach:

The success of our initiative spurred us to do more. With the unwavering support of Ven Namgyal Gyalpo, we are committed to extending this initiative to more remote villages. Through ongoing sponsorship and collaboration, we aim to alleviate health challenges stemming from the demanding lifestyle of these guardians of the roof of Mother Earth.


In the high-altitude realms of Ladakh, health sustainability has taken a tangible form — from recognising shared symptoms to providing practical solutions. The journey from mountains to boots symbolises more than just physical relief; it signifies a commitment to the well-being of communities living on the fringes. As we continue to sponsor rubber boots and collaborate with the Ladakh Medical Aid Society, we understand that sustainable health solutions often lie in simple acts of compassion. This journey isn't just about medical aid; it's about solidarity, resilience, and a shared responsibility to nurture the health of those who dwell in the highest reaches of our planet.

As we reflect on this heartwarming journey, it reaffirms the belief that sometimes, even the simplest acts of kindness can make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most. This initiative stands as a testament to the power of compassion and the positive impact it can have on remote communities striving for a better and healthier life.

  • Initiative completed in 2023:


    Initiative completed in 2024:
    Shachukul Village 80 families, Thatuk Village 80 families, Kargyam Village 76 families.

  • Providing farmers with rubber boots alleviates the impact of constantly soaked legs during farming, preventing issues like arthritis and swollen joints caused by exposure to icy waters. This simple solution enhances farmers' well-being, ensuring a more comfortable and healthier working environment in remote areas.

  • Recognising the issue of farmers' leg pain due to constant exposure to icy waters, ACHI collaborated with the Ladakh village community and Venerable Namgyal Gyalpo. The initiative involved distributing rubber boots and educating villagers on their significance, offering a comprehensive solution to improve farmers' well-being in remote areas.

  • 2023:
    Sebastian Tay, Edalin Ching, Venerable Namgyal Gyalpo

    Sebastian Tay, Gary Tan, Venerable Namgyal Gyalpo


Building A Library in a remote village of Ladakh - Kargyam Village, aka the Nomads' Land


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